Dami 8th March 2021

Uncle Foluso Olusanya I only met him for a short moment but it was at a significant moment in my life and family; he played such a big role in easing the tension and pain that should have accompanied the event. Uncle was a man of honour, wisdom, strength and unwavering love. He was always a calming figure that spoke with so much kindness and wisdom, always ready to extend a helping hand and he exuded the love of Christ. He exemplified who and how a true Christian should behave with how he was always ready to help and be a blessing to all those he met. I am so proud and honoured to have known him and been able to call him my uncle. Aunty and the children should be proud of the legacy he has left behind. I am broken that his time was cut short but God wanted you by His side at this time, and I am happy and can rest well knowing that you are now in the bosom of your maker. Heaven has welcomed an angel. I love you and will miss you uncle. Dami Olatidoye.